Groups & Affiliations
Ars Mathematica, Vice President Paris, France
ARS MATHEMATICA is a non-profit association, founded in 1992 by Christian LAVIGNE and Alexandre VITKINE. It's aim is to promote the encounter of Art, Science and Technology and, more particularly, computer sculpture - an valued field of electronic art . In this field, Ars Mathematica has been a pionneer.
Since 1993, Ars Mathematica has organized the world biennial of computer sculpture. The event is called INTERSCULPT and in 1995 it became interactive and simultanous in France and the United States with demonstrations,video-conferencing and transmission of files through the Web. This was the first transnational telesculpture and in 1997, the exhibition became also virtual in ActiveWorlds and internet community. In 1999, INTERSCULPT brought 5 sites together: Paris, Manchester, Cincinnati, Phoenix and Hongkong.. In 1997 and 1999, the French Senate accomodates the French part of the symposium which accompanies the exhibition. The November 2001 event did better: about ten real and virtual venues was interconnected. In 2003, INTERSCULPT celebrated its 10th birthday, and, for the first time, African sculptors, trained in Dakar, Senegal, by Christian Lavigne, created and exhibited digital sculptures.
The Sculpture Network of Texas
The Sculpture Network of Texas is a forum for the sculpture community of Texas to exchange ideas and develop collaborations. The Symposium has been presented annually since 2004. On even numbered years, the TTU School of Art sculpture area presents the Symposium at the Junction campus in collaboration with The Sculpture Network of Texas. On odd numbered years, other Texas venues have used as sites for the Symposium.